“Dazzling! PriParapedia Labyrinth!” From the popular anime series ‘PriPara’ comes a Nendoroid Co-de of Aroma Kurosu wearing her Holic Trick Classic Cyalume Co-de! The rather devilish outfit is the cyalume co-de of the Holic Trick Classic brand which is known for its mysterious designs. Be sure to display her with the upcoming Nendoroid Co-de figure of Mikan to recreate the Aromageddon unit! Special Nendoroid Co-de Page: http://www.goodsmile.info/en/nendoro-code What is Nendoroid Co-de? Nendoroid Co-de is a new addition to the Nendoroid series based on the theme of dressing-up characters! The figures have fixed poses and each come with four parts – the head, upper garment, lower garment and shoes. Each of these parts can be swapped between characters allowing for all sorts of possibilities. The more you collect, the more dress-up options become available to you!The name ‘Co-de’ comes from the Japanese pronunciation of the word ‘coordinate’, as in clothes coordination.
©T-ARTS / syn Sophia / テレビ東京 / PP2製作委員会
All images © by GOOD SMILE COMPANY, INC.
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